Garden Goods Direct | Wedding Gown™ Hydrangea


If you want your landscape to exude sophisticated elegance and grace, then the Wedding Gown™ Hydrangea is the shrub for you. Giving the allusion of a miniature bridal bouquet, the fully double white blooms create a unique mound of beauty and texture within each flower head. Beyond the shrub’s double flowers, its beauty transcends with its dark green foliage that contrasts beautifully with the bright pure white flower color. Hydrangea macrophylla ‘wedding gown’ is a shrub that blooms on new wood. This means regularly deadheading and pruning in early spring will allow for the best results. Ideal conditions for these double delights include partial shade to partial sun. Unlike many hydrangeas, the Wedding Gown can tolerate a range of soil pH levels. Flowering begins earlier in the summer than other varieties and continues on new growth into fall if spent blooms are removed as they fade. Wedding Gown Hydrangea is hardy, stays compact, and brings unmatched beauty to a yard.

SKU: 28209 Category: